Edited by Eric M. Jones.

Dedication: To Di and HP, the sources of my serenity;
and to the memory of my uncle, Leslie M. Jones,
who explored the upper atmosphere with rocket-borne instruments
and excited my interest in space

The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is a record of the lunar surface operations conducted by the six pairs of astronauts who landed on the Moon from 1969 through 1972. The Journal is intended as a resource for anyone wanting to know what happened during the missions and why. It includes a corrected transcript of all recorded conversations between the lunar surface crews and Houston. The Journal also contains extensive, interwoven commentary by the Editor and by ten of the twelve moonwalking astronauts.

  • This July 12, 1997 release of the Journal contains all of the text for Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 and the text covering Apollo 16 through the return to the LM at the end of the EVA-3 traverse. As time goes on, links will be established to photos, maps, equipment drawings, background documents, voice tracks, and video clips that will help make the lunar experience as accessible and understandable as possible.

  • The Journal is a "living document". The Journal Update File details recent additions, changes and corrections. E-mail messages to honais@ix.netcom.com concerning typos, factual errors, or general comments are always gratefully received. Although I am way behind in incorporating reader suggestions, I will add new ones to my "To Do" list and will get to them as soon as possible.

  • The corrected transcript, commentary, and other text incorporated in the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is protected by copyright. No portion of the Journal may be reproduced or copied onto any medium (except as required by browsing software) without express permission from the author. Specifically, the unauthorized creation of personal copies, or of copies for sale is prohibited. Unauthorized commercial use of the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal is prohibited; and the commercial use of the name or likeness of any of the astronauts without his express permission is prohibited.

    The United States Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, or to allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.

    Regular journal readers would be best to view the journal using a browser equivalent to Netscape 2.0/3.0 or higher as the journal makes some use of frames to allow for quicker navigation, as well as the newer multimedia features found in the latest versions the commonly used Web browsers. Have a look at the help section for further information on recommended versions and plug-in's

    Now you've read all the preliminary information, click on the Apollo logo to take you to the main homepage of the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
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    RealAudio by Gordon Roxburgh and Marv Hein
    Image scanning by Dave Hardin, Marv Hein, Mick Hyde, Gerald Megason, and Frank O'Brien.
    Page design by Gordon Roxburgh
    NASA HQ World Wide Web Curator Woody Smith
    Copyright ⌐ 1995, 1996, 1997 by Eric M. Jones. All rights reserved.
    Last modified: 14 August 1997